Associations and Organizations

Student newspaper:

  • Broen Studentavis is an independent speech platform for the students to express their values, opinions and views. Broen Studentavis is operated by volunteer students and follows the guidelines for freedom of the press, freedom of expression, freedom of speech and information stipulated in the "Vær Varsom" - poster. You can find Broen Studentavis here. You can contact the association at


(Linjeforeninger are associations associated with some specific study programs)

  • Enigma is the association for students in the IT studies at HiØ. They are volunteer students who create social events. In addition, they arrange company presentations so that students can get in touch with companies in the local area. They have a Discord-server called "Studentmiljøet", where they update on various activities and events. You can find their Facebook page here. They can be contacted by email:
  • Schumpeter is the association for students in Innovation & Project Management at HiØ. They arrange workshops, lectures and social gatherings for the students. They can be contacted through their Facebook page here.
  • Helix is the association for students in bioengineering at HiØ. They organize events and social gatherings. You can follow their Facebook page here and the instagram account "helixhiof". They can be contacted by email:

Other associations:

  • HSS Brettspill is a board-game association under HSS (Halden). They gather at HiØ, Halden and play board games. They can be contacted through the Facebook group here.


  • NITO Studentene work for the interests of technology and engineering students. NITO have a local team in Halden and one in Fredrikstad. NITO students Halden can be contacted through the Facebook page here. NITO students Fredrikstad can be contacted through the Facebook page here.
  • NSF Student (Norwegian Nurses´ Association Student) is the only organization in the country that represents nursing students from all the country´s nursing educations. NSF Students has a local team in Fredrikstad and can be contacted through the Facebook page here.
  • FO-studentene is an organization for students at the study programs; barnevern, sosialt arbeid, vernepleie and Arbeid og Velferd. FO-studentene have a local team in Fredrikstad and can be contacted through the Facebook page here.


  • ISU hiof (International Students Union Norway)
  • SAIH is the Students and Academics International Aid Fund, and works for academic freedom and for all young people to have access to good education, so that they can contribute to a fairer world. SAIH also works with political influence in Norway and internationally, to improve the framework conditions for education and development globally.
Published Nov. 29, 2021 4:08 PM - Last modified Nov. 22, 2022 9:55 AM