Kamala and Maya's Big Idea

Themes: Cross-curricular, Democracy and citizenship, Environment, Feminism 

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This book can inspire students to actively engage in society and find their own way of solving problems and turning a no from society into a yes.  

Book cover

Author and publisher: Meena Harris, HarperCollins Publishers 

Summary: This book builds on a true story from the childhood of vice president in the USA, Kamal Harris. Together with her sister Maya, they get this big idea of turning the courtyard where they live into a playground. But the landlord says no, it is too expensive. But the two girls do not accept his no. They talk to their neighbours, and together they achieve their goal. Their motto is “Nobody can do everything. But everyone can do something.”   

Suitable for students in years: 5-6 

Tags: Cross-curricular, Democracy and citizenship, Environment, Feminism
Published June 2, 2022 8:33 AM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2022 2:33 PM