Edward the Emu

Themes: Animals, Identity, Health and life skills, Language work 

Connections to the Curriculum in English:  This book is a conversation starter for talking about identity and self-esteem. This is a rhyming story and encourages to work with pronunciation and spelling. It can also be used as a model text to help young learners begin writing simple texts. 

book coverAuthor and publisher: Sheena Knowles 

Summary: Edward is tired of his life as an emu in the zoo. He overhears some visitor saying that the seals are the best to see.  One night, he jumps out of his pen, and the next day he swims with the seals. Then some other visitor utters that the lions are the best to see in the zoo, and the next day he joins the lions. The story moves on like this until he hears someone saying that the emu is the best to see in the zoo, which takes Edward back to his own pen. There he meets Edwina.

Suitable for students in years: 5-7 

Tags: Animals, Identity, Health and life skills, Language work
Published Oct. 6, 2021 5:50 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2022 2:33 PM