Little Red Hen

Themes: Fairy tales, Health and life skills, Intercultural competence

Connections to the Curriculum in English:   By reflecting on, interpreting and critically assessing different types of texts in English, the pupils shall acquire language and knowledge of culture and society. 

Book coverAuthor and publisher:  No author, Ladybird books Ltd. 

Summary:  This is a very easy and adapted book. Little Red Hen works hard on the farm growing wheat for bred. She lives with a few lazy farm animals that refuse to assist her in the work. When the result of her hard work end up in fresh bread, they all want to eat… 

Suitable for students in years: 1-5

Tags: Fairy tales, Health and life skills, Intercultural competence
Published Feb. 10, 2022 8:52 AM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2022 2:32 PM