The Gingerbread Man

Themes: Amusement, Fairy tales, Intercultural competence, Language work 

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This classic tale is part of child culture. The language is repetitive and encourages young learners to join in reading and practice pronunciation. 

Book cover

Author and publisher: Mairi Mackinnon, Usborne Publishing 

Summary: This fairy tale is a classic and children may know different versions. Everybody wants to catch the gingerbread man, but he runs too fast for them. Finally, he reaches the river and a fox offers to take him across to the other side, but that is perhaps not such a good idea….. 

Suitable for students in years: 1-7 

Tags: Amusement, Fairy tales, Intercultural competence, Language work
Published Nov. 21, 2021 8:58 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2022 2:32 PM