
Themes: Cross-curricular, Diversity, Health and life skills, Intercultural competence,

Connections to the Curriculum in EnglishThis book provides insight in accepting others and one self. It deals with identity, difference and will enable participation in conversations on one’s own and others’ needs and feelings. 

Book cover

Author and publisher: Sue Hendra & Paul Linnet, Macmillan Children’s Books 

Summary: This is a story about a different type of egg, an egg with a big head and a pointy bottom, the other eggs don't know what to make of it. Will they be able to make the egg fit into the normal standard? The other eggs try turning it upside down, and even make it wear a hat on its bottom to show which side is 'up', but it takes the clever upside-down egg to show them that eggs can be any way up and still be eggs.

Suitable for students in years: 1-4 

Tags: Cross-curricular, Diversity, Health and life skills, Intercultural competence
Published Jan. 28, 2022 3:32 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2022 2:32 PM