Cyril the Lonely Cloud

Themes: Amusement 

Connections to the Curriculum in English: This amusing story can support young learners in their reading process and contribute to reading pleasure. In addition, this book can serve as a model text inspiring young learners in their initial phase of writing simple stories.   

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Author and publisher: Tim Hopgood. Oxford University Press. 

Summary: No one is ever happy to see Cyril the cloud. He is blamed for ruining everyone’s fun. All Cyril wants is to see a happy face smiling at him. So, he decides to drift far, far away, over farmland and big cities. Eventually he arrives in a different land where the ground is baking hot. On his way across the sea, Cyril has grown very big, and his huge shadow cools the earth. Everyone seems to enjoy the shade Cyril gives. Finally, Cyril enjoys seeing happy smiles.  

Suitable for students in years: 2-4 

Tags: Amusement
Published June 9, 2024 2:31 PM - Last modified June 9, 2024 2:31 PM