Billedbøker - veien inn i språket

In this article, the author claims that picture books are a major teaching resource to optimize young students’ learning of English. Young learners love being read aloud to. Picture books provide learners with authentic language, they can enjoy a complete story and the sentence structure is often simple and repetitive so that students can join in. Furthermore, the interdependence of pictures and text, iconotext, supports learners acquiring words and phrases from the context. In the article, Mellegård presents some picture books and gives examples of learning activities to be used with these. 

Article: Billedbøker – veien inn i språket (in Norwegian) 

By Ingebjørg Mellegård  (Communicare – et fagdidaktisk tidsskrift fra Fremmedspråksenteret, Issue 1, 2015, pp 21-25) 

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Published Mar. 21, 2022 9:14 PM - Last modified Oct. 21, 2022 11:32 PM