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Guide to NOA, the attendance app

NOA – notice of attendance is the app for digital attendance registration at HiØ, where you as a student check yourself in on your lectures. Your check-in is registered directly to the lecturer's class list and you get a complete overview of your schedule and attendance. This app will be used for certain courses that have compulsory attendance at classes. Your lecturers will inform you if it applies to one or more of your subjects.

Get started - for students

  • Download the app from the Appstore or Google Play.
  • The app can be found by searching ’NOA Notice of attendance’ or ’NOA Oppmøte’.
  • Say YES when asked to share your location in the app. (You need to be located on the school’s ground in order to check in)
  • You will also be asked to accept the terms of privacy.
  • Log in via Feide with your username and password.
  • Before using NOA you must have registered for the semester in StudentWeb.
    It may take a few hours from the time you have registered for the semester in StudentWeb before access to subjects in NOA is granted.

Worth knowing

  • You check in at all hours of a lecture in the same check-in.
  • Checking in is possible 10 minutes before the start of the lecture, and 15 minutes into the lecture.
  • If you do not have a smartphone or have reserved yourself from using the app, you have to let the lecturer know in order to manually register your attendance.
  • If you do not check in, you will automatically be registered as absent.
  • If you forget to check in, you have to notify your lecturer as soon as possible so that they can register your attendance.
  • If you have to leave before the end of the lecture, please check out of the box you have checked in to. You must participate for at least 25 minutes of the lecture in order to get the attendance approved. If you leave before it remains 15 minutes of the lesson, your attendance is set to Not met. If you leave within the last minutes of the lesson, your attendance is set to Met for the lesson you leave and not met for the following lessons.

General Data Protection Regulation

  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets requirements for how we handle your personal information. The information NOA receives about you is your first name, last name, e-mail,  your phone number and your field of study. This information is provided from your school. In order to check in to your lectures, you have to share your location on your phone, thus confirming your attendance. The data on your location is used for this purpose only and is neither stored nor tracked.
  •  You will not receive advertising or any irrelevant information.

Hand holding cellphone with the app open

Published Aug. 8, 2022 10:55 AM - Last modified June 12, 2023 1:26 PM