Norwegian version of this page

form elements

General info on form construction.

  • All questions have checkmark as to whether it should be mandatory
  • Some items have properties that you can access by clicking the "View Settings" option in the frame around the item when placed in the schema layout.
  • Forms can have headings, static text, page breaks, open and closed questions, as well as a small number of "special fields" that are question types with extra features.
  • Most of the question elements, in addition to the question field itself, have a description field that can be used for text or illustration, external links, or other explanations. The text box will display its own HTML editor when you place the cursor in the field. Read here about possibilities for own formating of the form.
  • Most of the form elements can be styled with HTML tags either manually or using selections in the built-in editor for the fields.
  • All items except the page breaks can be hidden in Reply mode using logic related to the answers from closed questions earlier in the form. (Here you can read more about dynamic formatting and routing)
  • Closed questions with radio buttons and checkboxes and the corresponding marise variants are numbered and presented with a presented in the web report
Published June 3, 2020 7:50 AM - Last modified June 12, 2023 1:26 PM