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form types


This is the general form type, and is the one that should be chosen where you need a "regular" form to conduct a survey.


A form of this type has adapted the communication with the respondent in relation to the purpose of the form being a registration.

You can specify on page 2 of the creation dialog
• Limiting the number of seats
• Whether the respondent can change or delete his registration

For sign-up forms, you will probably want to select the form to collect personal information, and specify that it should also have one or more questions for collecting contact information (for example: full-name, email address or username).

Multiple choice

This is the most specialized schema type. Here are the question types for answers with radio buttons and drop-down list (where only one answer can be entered) equipped with setup options to mark which answer option is right

Form owner can specify the type of feedback the respondent should receive, delivery of replies.

When delivering answers, the form can immediately give the respondent feedback on how she has responded in relation to a defined facet of the questions.

It allows for forms aimed at controlling learning, evaluation, quiz and similar where you want to report some score back to those who respond.
When this form type is selected in the create dialog, you will be taken to a next page where you must define which feedback you want to give the respondent when responding.

The following options are available for displaying the receipt on the receipt page:

  • No
         (Do not show any feedback)
  • Just points
         (1 question correct = 1 point, 
           Also shows the ratio of the number of questions/sum scores in the form of X percent score)
  • Answers and score
         (Displays correct values, answers provided, and number of correct answers with points and percentage scores)
  • Marking right/wrong - without fixed
         (Indicates whether the answer given was right/wrong and shows the number of points and percentage score)

The correct answer for the individual question is set in the form builder.

Published June 3, 2020 7:50 AM - Last modified June 12, 2023 1:26 PM