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New VPN for employees

There will be a change in how you connect to VPN from the 20th of March.
The old VPN-server will be replaced with
The new VPN-server requires multi factor authentication.

​For machines that HiØ operates

Cisco AnyConnect is automatically updated so that you get the choices "Administrativt ansatt" (Administrative staff) and "Fagansatt" (Academic staff).

The first choice that appears is set according to your position.

To switch, you can use the down arrow next to the server field and switch servers manually.

Login should mostly be automatic, but you will occasionally be asked for a 2-factor.

A picture showing Cisco AnyConnect with Administrativt ansatt filled in automatically

A picture showing Cisco AnyConnect with Fagansatt filled in automatically

For private machines or HiØ machines where the update has not been installed

To switch to the new VPN server, you must first open Cisco AnyConnect.
If you do not already have Cisco AnyConnect, you can download it here: 
Download for administrative staff
Download for professional staff

Then replace the text in the server field with if you are an administrative employee, or if you are a professional employee.

When logging in, you use, password and 2-factor.

A picture showing Cisco AnyConnect with filled in manually

A picture showing Cisco AnyConnect with filled in manually

Published Mar. 8, 2023 2:08 PM - Last modified May 14, 2024 8:55 AM