Østfold AI-hub info meeting

We would like to invite you all, either doing research / teaching (or planning to) in AI-related topics, or simply curious about AI at HiØ, to the Østfold AI hub info meeting.



Tentative program:

9:00-9:30 breakfast will be served (coffee/tea/croissants/fruits etc.)

9:30-10:00 Leonora and Stefano will present the Østfold AI hub initiative and goals

10:00-10:30 Summary of NFR AI centers initiative and way forward

10:30-11:00 Open discussion on proposed initiatives & how to coordinate the AI hub effectively


Østfold AI hub: https://www.hiof.no/english/research/ai-hub/


Short on the Østfold AI hub:

The Østfold AI hub (ØAI) is an academic hub for research, education and innovation in Artificial Intelligence for tomorrow’s Digitalized Society.

The Østfold AI hub was created with the goal of better coordination and collaboration among the many AI-related activities at HiØ, and create a unique solid profile for our AI activities (similarly to other AI hubs/labs from other institutions). This will enable HiØ to showcase our AI strengths and track record when participating in large national and international AI initiatives. 

The ØAI hub is currently hosted by the Faculty of Computer Science, Engineering and Economics at the Østfold University College, and supported by the strategic area “The Digital Society”. 


The Digital Society and Østfold AI Hub
Published May 7, 2024 12:34 PM - Last modified May 7, 2024 12:34 PM