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STAS – Language education across languages

STAS – Language education across languages – is ØUCs strategic initiative for language education.

Drawn figures who say "Hi" in different languages

Source: Colourbox

The goal of STAS is to enhance the quality of language education through developing sustainable, cross-disciplinary education projects, identify common struggles and create meeting points for sharing knowledge. Because ØUC has one of the country’s largest linguistic communities, our ambition is to take a leading role in shaping the language education of the future. 

The early STAS initiative to focus on quality in language education first received funding in spring 2018. Shortly thereafter a partnership with NTNU ensued, with the explicit aim of enhancing quality in language education across institutions. This collaboration resulted in a milestone for the project, when ØUC and NTNU sent a joint application for a Centre of Excellence in Language Education in spring 2019 (ECOLL). 

The vision of STAS is to create a language for people who speak different languages. The main idea behind this vision is to increase collaboration and sharing practices across the different languages and language disciplines, an idea which has its concrete realization in the current reorganization of Østfold University College which unites all the relevant arenas where language is taught or researched in one institute from august 2021.

Leaders of the work package are the Associate Professors Karine Stjernholm and Kristin Føsker Hagemann.

Published Mar. 19, 2021 1:44 PM - Last modified June 15, 2021 10:24 AM