Heidi Synnøve Bjerkholt Bodal

Norwegian version of this page Library
Image of Heidi Synnøve Bjerkholt Bodal
Norwegian version of this page Position
Research Librarian / Academic Librarian
Study place
Office nr.

Tasks performed

  • Literature search and referencing 
  • Research support and research documentation (CRIStin)
  • Bibliometrics
  • Library statistics and Quality assurance in the library
  • Readings lists (Leganto)





  • Bachelor's degree in Library and Information Science, 1992
  • Master's degree in Library and Information Science, 2021



Tags: Library Instruction, Research support, Systematic Search, CRIStin, Halden
Published June 14, 2018 10:12 AM - Last modified Dec. 19, 2023 9:19 AM