Fagside Fakultet for Informasjonsteknologi, ingeniørfag og økonomi

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Anbefalte databaser alle fag.

  • Academic Search Premier*
    This multi-disciplinary database provides active full text for more than 3,100 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals.
    Søkeveiledning ASP YouTube
  • Sage Premier*  
    Engineering & Material Science. Business & Management. Publishing more than 1,000 journals, from a wide range of disciplines. 
  • Standard.no*
    Standarder med online lesetilgang for registrert ansatte ved HiØ. Ta kontakt med Johannes ved biblioteket for å registrer deg.

  • ScienceDirect*
    Chemical Engineering; Engineering; Earth and planetary Sciences; Energy; Mathematics and Physics, Access to articles from up to 3,800 journals and over 37,000 book titles.
  • SpringerLink*
    Chemistry; Engineering; Environment; Life Sciences; Materials Science and Mathematics (more).


  • IEEE Xplore* access to scientific and technical content published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Journals; conference proceedings; technical standards; books and educational courses.
  • SpringerLink*
    Biomedicine; Business and Management; Chemistry; Engineering; Environment; Life Sciences; Materials Science and Mathematics (more).


  • ACM-Digital Library*
    Informatikk - ingeniør
  • ScienceDirect*
    Chemical Engineering; Engineering; Earth and planetary Sciences; Energy; Mathematics and Physics, Access to articles from up to 3,800 journals and over 37,000 book titles.


  • ScienceDirect*
    Chemical Engineering; Engineering; Earth and planetary Sciences; Energy; Mathematics and Physics, Access to articles from up to 3,800 journals and over 37,000 book titles.
  • ACM-Digital Library*
    Informatikk - ingeniør
  • ACS journals*
    Fulltekst. Ca 50 tidsskrifter utgitt av American Chemical Society. 
  • Academic Search Premier* - Søkeveiledning ASP YouTube
  • GreenFILE
    Offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. On global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. 
  • SpringerLink* Biomedicine; Business and Management; Chemistry; Engineering; Environment; Life Sciences; Materials Science and Mathematics (more).
  • Sage Premier*  Engineering & Material Science. Business & Management. Publishing more than 1,000 journals, from a wide range of disciplines. 
  • IEEE Xplore* access to scientific and technical content published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Journals; conference proceedings; technical standards; books and educational courses.
  • Wiley Online Library* Chemistry, Physical Environmental Sciences and Engineering
  • Royal Society of Chemistry*
    ca 45 e-tidsskrifter utgitt av The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
  • Taylor & Francis*
    Engineering & Technology, Engineering & Technology & Bioscience


  • JSTOR*
    Database med e-tidsskrifter: "Arts & Sciences" I, II og III, som til sammen består av ca. 600 vitenskapelige tidsskrifter. Noen eksempler på fagområder som dekkes er økonomi, statsvitenskap, musikk, språk, litteratur, matematikk og statistikk, m.m.
  • SpringerLink*
    Business and Management; Environment and Mathematics (more).

  • Academic Search Premier*
    This multi-disciplinary database provides active full text for more than 3,100 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals.
  • ScienceDirect*
    Økonomiske- og administrative fag mm.

Oppslagsverk: Leksikon, ordbøker med mere

Flere ressurser

  • MathSciNet* - matematikk
  • DOAJ - Directory of open access journals
  • Project MUSE - Samfunnsmessig og historisk tilnærming til Ingeniørfaget
  • Scopus*  Artikkel- og siteringsdatabase. Delvis fulltekst.
    Fagområder: Naturvitenskap, medisin/helse, teknikk/fysikk, samfunnsvitenskap og humaniora.
  • EBSCO* - flere databaser.
  • Web of Science* - Tre artikkel- og siteringsdatabaser. Delvis fulltekst-tilgang.