Nettsider med emneord «teacher education»

Ilka Nagel in front of a poster for the ICET conference.
Publisert 14. juni 2024 15:44

RIDE member Ilka Nagel participated at the 65th World Assembly ICET 2024, which focused on the teaching profession and teacher education amidst a global teacher shortage crisis.

Publisert 17. jan. 2024 14:37

2024 marks the third and final year of the BlendVET project. A new video has been launched by EEA and Norway Grants to showcase the project, as part of their #OurStories campaign. 

Publisert 3. jan. 2024 15:19

Ilka Nagel forsvarer sin avhandling "Professional digital Competence in Norwegian Teacher Education Policy and Practice: Teacher Educators' Professionalism in the Post-digital Age".

The photo shows the nine project participants in NoZa. Everybody is holding a paper in the hand.
Publisert 8. nov. 2022 17:40

The NoZa-project aims to influence the student teachers' understanding of the multicultural classroom in Norway and Zanzibar. Through student exchange, joint course, workshops and research we explore cultural diversities and similarities to see what emerges.

The photo shows a man in his boat at the sea. The sky is blue with only a few clouds. There are som small waves in the sea.
Publisert 5. sep. 2022 15:18

Finally the Norwegian and Zanzibarian project partners in the NoZa – intercultural mobility project met physically, to develop a joint course in Teacher Education.

Publisert 16. aug. 2022 14:40
Lærerstudenter som utfører kroppslige øvelser under besøk av DKS ved Høgskolen i Østfold
Publisert 5. apr. 2019 11:16

pARTiciPED er et forskningsprosjekt som fokuserer på å styrke lærerstudenter i tverrsektorielle samarbeid. Den kulturelle skolesekkens samarbeid med norske skoler vil tjene som eksempel i prosjektet. Det er finansiert via FINNUT-programmet til Norges forskningsråd.

Publisert 11. okt. 2018 12:58
Publisert 11. okt. 2018 12:58
Publisert 12. juni 2018 16:22
Publisert 12. juni 2018 16:19