Nettsider med emneord «scenography»

Publisert 26. okt. 2023 13:34

From 2nd to 6th October 2023, our first FieldworkLAB was organized in Milan.

The partners of the project here in Milan at the launch of the project (16 & 17 March 2023)
Publisert 23. mars 2023 14:36

Norwegian Theatre Academy is one of the 7 partners in a new CREATIVE EUROPE project launched last week in Milan. The title of the project is: "UNLOCK THE CITY! Theatre as tool for post pandemic sustainable transformation of the European urban landscape"

Publisert 27. mai 2020 19:27

Welcome to artistic research fellow Ingvild Holm's digital Viva Voce (disputas) on June 10 at 12:00. In this public event, she will conclude her artistic research project Space Automatism by discussion and reflection with the assessment committee. Due to the current situation, the event will be live-streamed.

Scenographer Annike Flo working on one of her projects.
Publisert 28. okt. 2019 14:26

After eight years working as a costume designer in London, Annike Flo decided she was ready for her personal master project in scenography at Norwegian Theatre Academy.

Publisert 8. feb. 2019 12:24

Miriam (27) was looking for a place where she could combine her interests and be part of an international community. She found just that as a scenography student at Norwegian Theatre Academy, where she soon will be graduating. Read the soon-to-be alumni student interview to learn more about being a scnography student at NTA.

Publisert 22. aug. 2018 13:42
Publisert 22. aug. 2018 13:42
Publisert 12. juni 2018 16:07