Nettsider med emneord «PhD Forum»

Publisert 29. mars 2022 15:10

We meet every other Friday on Zoom to have lunch together (from kl 12.00-13.00), to have an open discussion and/or seminars regarding relevant issues in science and society, to learn about each other's professional interests and research endeavours, and to plan activities or gatherings together.

Publisert 29. mars 2022 15:13

PhD research fellows are encouraged to have either a study period or research experience abroad during their doctoral training.

Publisert 29. mars 2022 15:10

Here is a list of helpful resources and links to frequently asked research questions. 

Picture of: Marthe Bilet-Mossige, Cathrine Redi, Line Britt Ulriksen, Veslemøy Johansson, Marte Herrebrøden (Kristine Grinderud)
Publisert 28. mai 2024 11:58

Everything from reading instruction for students using alternative and augmentative communication to noise-reducing technology for autistic students is being explored in the new projects. Get to know the doctoral research fellows in DeveLeP and their groundbreaking work that will shape the learning environments of the future.

Bilde av: Marthe Bilet-Mossige, Cathrine Redi, Line Britt Ulriksen, Veslemøy Johansson, Marte Herrebrøden (Kristine Grinderud innfelt)
Publisert 28. mai 2024 11:57

Alt fra leseopplæring for elever som bruker alternativ- og supplerende kommunikasjon til støyreduserende teknologi for autistiske elever utforskes i de nye prosjektene. Bli kjent med doktorgradskandidatene i forskergruppen DeveLeP og deres banebrytende arbeid som vil forme fremtidens læringsmiljøer.