Nettsider med emneord «DigiTech»

Robots at work
Publisert 8. okt. 2018 09:13

The Research Group for Cyber-physical systems (CPSForsk) looks at systems where it is essential to observe and manage physical things. Therefore, we investigate digitalization: robots, smart houses, energy efficiency, and modern production technology. In our research we include modeling, real time systems, networks, cloud services and Internet-of-Things.

Publisert 20. juni 2019 12:55

The research group focuses on developing methods, tools, and techniques to increase participation in both professional and end-user design practices in the digital society. We aim to further the agenda of making design accessible to everyone, by empowering people with tools to actively engage in and contribute to co-creative practices in the digital society. Currently, the group is involved in projects in several domains, health, education, engineering, and media, providing a diverse research environment for the group members.

Logo generated by DALL·E 2 with the text "logo of a brain with a viking symbol in it".
Publisert 30. aug. 2019 15:23

Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are enabling technologies for the digital society. Our group conducts both basic research to develop new methods in AI and ML, as well as apply cutting-edge methods in diverse application domains.

Robots at work
Publisert 9. mai 2018 10:34

Forskergruppa CPSForsk vant Høyskolens Forskningsprisen 2020. Det er vi stolte av og tar med oss som en viktig inspirasjon videre!

Forskergruppa Cyber-fysiske systemer (CPSForsk) konsentrerer seg om systemer der det er essentielt å observerer og styre fysiske ting. Derfor undersøker vi digitalisering: roboter, smarte hjem, energieffektivisering og moderne produksjonsteknologi. I forskningen vår finner vi fag som modellering, sanntidssystemer, nettverk, skytjenester og tingenes internett.

DDDS Group
Publisert 9. mai 2018 10:14

The research group focuses on developing methods, tools, and techniques to increase participation in both professional and end-user design practices in the digital society. We aim to further the agenda of making design accessible to everyone, by empowering people with tools to actively engage in and contribute to co-creative practices in the digital society. Currently, the group is involved in projects in several domains, health, education, engineering, and media, providing a diverse research environment for the group members.

Publisert 9. mai 2018 10:04

The Information Systems and Software Engineering (ISSE) research group conducts research and teaching in the broad field of information systems and software engineering disciplines.

Publisert 9. mai 2018 12:25

Maskinlæring (ML) og Kunstig Intelligens (AI) er muliggjørende teknologier for det digitale samfunn. Vår gruppe gjennomfører grunnforskning til å utvikle nye metoder innen AL og ML, og anvender banebrytende metoder i ulike applikasjonsdomener.